Public Relations Media Training

We teach, rehearse and coach how to excel in media interviews. With the empathy of a trainer who has been a journalist, a corporate spokesperson and a public relations consultant. Ensuring that conversations with media stick to the core messages while giving the media what they need to report a good story. It's a practical workshop utilising actual media materials and emulating real-life interview dynamics.

The training covers all aspects necessary to be a credible and reliable media commentator, including:

JOURNALIST AGENDA – understanding what created the interview, the context of the intended article, what influences the story and why it's all so high pressure.

SPOKESPERSON ROLE – unpacking the role and how it differs substantially from any other skill in the organisation, including how the individual manages the responsibility. KEY

MESSAGING/NARRATIVES – organising the arguments, facts, quotable quotes and reasoning into morsels of information that are easy to understand.

BRIDGING – harnessing the core skill of a spokesperson to ensure that every aspect of the conversation with a journalist stays on message. Without frustrating the media.

DELIVERY – developing the individual's specific interview style that garners media respect and is instrumental in fostering a trusted relationship with the journalist.

Media Training for EXECUTIVES

Executive careers are made or broken by how the individual comes across in a media interview. Staff morale is impacted. Even share price fluctuates based on executive media appearances. Every executive, their style and their context are unique.
They deserve and require the appropriate media training for their situation.

Please contact us so we can determine the best media training approach with you. Even our customised training is backed by our money-back guarantee, so you can rely on us to provide an excellent learning experience for your executive(s).

VENUE: Wherever's convenient for executives and appropriate for training

COST: Subject to requirements and budget

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Media Training for PR TEAMS

PR teams are usually the stage managers of media profiles, where the spokespeople are the only ones who experience what it's like to stick to key messages, bridge to safe narratives and avoid the pitfalls of interviews - while being scrutinised by journalists. 

This training gives PR Teams the experience, empathy and understanding of what it's like to be a spokesperson. This empowers them to be confident trusted advisors to spokespeople, enabling them to assist executives with credibility, impact and experience. The learning also covers best-practice spokesperson briefings which we incorporate into the team's existing collateral and processes.

We also ensure that the learning experience is career-stage appropriate, adjusting the learning and role-play to suit young professionals, managers and seniors.

VENUE: PR team's offices

COST: Subject to brief and team size

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