
Connect. Better.

People succeed by telling inspiring stories. By speaking to colleagues, presenting in meetings and keynoting at conferences. To a few, a crowd or the masses.

Speakers who connect create progress, accelerate momentum and lead success. For others and themsleves.

They make things happen for everyone. By speaking with flair. Connecting with confidence.

Frustratingly, most people have been conditioned (at school, university or mimicking others) to merely deliver their presentation. Marooning speakers at boring meetings with verbose speeches at ambvialent audiences.

Yet the ability to speak to groups determines leadership, establishes authority, gains trust and inspires the future. It's the calatyst to success.

We teach this ability. To anyone keen to be bound to their audiences long after their presentation concludes. With credibility, authenticity, personality and expertise.

We coach speakers who others want to hear. Speakers who connect.

Tell me and I forget.
Teach me and I remember.
Involve me and I learn.

Those who have attended our workshops unlearned their vanilla presentation habits. By indulging their personality to move groups with speech.

We work through practical experiences to reveal and rehearse an individual's style and context.

Our four modules are designed for those wishing to excel at engaging people through speech.


A workshop for three people, that unpacks and applies the five elements that link great speakers to their audiences long after the last word is spoken.

Participants grow confident and become great at engaging groups of people and inspiring them through exceptional communication.

The training includes self-paced online learning, an in-person group workshop, and three months of individual coaching.

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A workshop for teams needing to win business, designed to seize critical purchase considerations effectively.

While the learning is designed for B2B scenarios, the training is deeply personal – unlocking individuals' abilities to connect and captivate decision-makers.

It shapes sales teams into winning teams.

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Most of us are left making it up as we click into another video meeting. Looking around, we're all letting ourselves down through the lack of screen presence. 

This workshop runs on the meeting platform of your choice, optimising individuals' video gravitas. It fixes framing, engages participation, perfects visual storytelling, and stimulates belonging by determining synchronous and asynchronous engagement.

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The most effective way of reaching the masses is through PR. Great when it works, catastrophic when it fails.

This workshop marries the spokesperson's core messaging to journalists' needs. By structuring interviews as shared agendas controlled by the spokesperson. 

The interviewee learns to direct the 'conversation' while optimising the resulting media article.

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